What Makes an Effective Fitness & Health Website

The key must-haves you can make to boost up your website

Danny Quijano

Danny Quijano

Guy grabbing dumbbells at the gym
Guy grabbing dumbbells at the gym
Guy grabbing dumbbells at the gym

What’s holding people back from having a lean and mean physique?

They can be lacking in their diet, nutrition, workout plan, hydration, vitamins, cardio. The list can go on but the idea here is that with the lack of structure and essentials, we become stagnant. 

Just how a fitness business can help someone go from 0 to 1 with their body and mind, an effective well-constructed website can help you go from 0 to 1 with getting web visitors to NEW clients or customers. It’s a business transformation. 

Having a good nutrition plan and a well structured workout plan is essential to get that mean, lean physique that people crave for. People want to feel good and look good. Be able to function and extend their longevity. You can do the same for your business. Having the right essentials for your fitness website can do wonders for your business.

Ask yourself these questions

  • Can your business be easily found on Google and social media? (Instagram, facebook)

  • Can your business be easily accessible on Google and social media?

  • Is it easy to navigate on large screens like laptops and mobile phones?

  • Does your website answer questions of potential customers?

  • What is your honest first impression of your website? 

  • Can it look better? Function better? Be aesthetically better?

If you answered no to at least two of these questions, don’t worry there’s a chance to fix this.

The must-haves for your website

  1. Website speed and performance
    • You want to run your website through this website and see your results - https://pagespeed.web.dev/ If you have any red or orange, that is a sign that your website needs some improvement and is hurting your chances in SEO search results.

    • Speeding up your website can help you rank higher on google, beat competition and improve the user experience.

  2. Mobile-friendly
    • Having a website that can be easily navigable through a laptop and mobile is so crucial. Majority of people have their phones close in sight and will use that to conduct their online research, book a class or sign up.

    • The mobile experience should be fluid to get potential customers through the door with no lagging and hesitation. You can use https://pagespeed.web.dev/ to also see your score for mobile.

  3. Clear call-to-action
    • This is fairly underrated and looked past upon when it comes to designing a website. There are 4 main concepts when it comes to a good and effective CTA button.

    • 1. It needs to be visible and clear. You can use a contrasting color against the background color to make this standout on the page.

    • 2. The text should lead the reader to take action. Instead of a bland “book now”, you add some enthusiasm or add context. For example you can say “Book a free class today” or “Sign up and join our growing community” or “Book a class and get started”.

  4. Quality images
    • Having high quality images can visually set you apart. It can make you look more professional, serious and attractive. All it takes is taking images with techniques like having good lighting, focusing on the main subject and having the image be intentional such as someone lifting weights.

    • Also very effective images to include on your website are before and after images. These are HUGE for social proof and prove people you are the real deal. 

  5. Inf. and contact 
    • Yes, it sounds simple, but many fitness businesses lack to include this. If you offer classes, add a class schedule. Include your hours of operation during the week, your location or locations if you own a franchise. Also add your contact info whether it’s an email or phone number or both. Simple but essential.

  6. Branding and personality
    • Not everyone is the same. Not every business is the same. We all can offer something unique. Your whole business look should emulate what you represent. If you have a top-notch badass service, then your website, social media and branding should be a top-notch experience as well.

    • It doesn’t have to be complicated, just use the same color and style throughout your channels. Your website should represent your business and brand’s personality. 

If you can make a few of these changes, not only will you start seeing results, you will be on your war from going from 0 to 1. 

We here at Cypher Digital take pride in making you a badass business from the outside and in. Being 1% everyday compounds.

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